Others are aimed at kids and teens, but treat their target audience with more respect and honesty than so-called moral guardians believe they deserve. Some of the banned and challenged comics on this list are clearly targeted at adult readers but because of the old 'comics are for kids' stigma, get treated more harshly than prose literature of a comparable maturity level. RELATED: Monster Mash: 15 People Who Slept With Marvel Monsters Sometimes these calls actually lead to the books being pulled from schools or libraries (one was actually declared 'obscene' in court!) but thankfully, more often than not, these challenges are rejected or overturned. Today the Comics Code is dead, but calls for the censorship of comic books continue. Frederick Wertham's 1954 book Seduction of the Innocent, and people believed it! The mass panic over how comics could be corrupting the children in the 1950s led to the creation of the Comics Code Authority censorship board. Comics are turning kids into criminal psychopaths! Superman inspires fascism! Batman turns kids gay! That nonsense was the thesis of Dr.